2019-05-06 27595 Views iarch001
建(jiàn)築, 酒店建築, 樹屋, 意大(dà)利, 多洛米蒂山, Peter Pichler Architecture, 混(hún)凝土, 玻璃, 木材
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建築師Peter在意大利多洛米蒂山裏(lǐ)設(shè)計(jì)的(de)樹屋酒店 Peter Pichler designs Tree House hotel rooms for forest in Italian Dolomites 由專築網(wǎng)朱王倩,王雪純編譯 設計(jì)師Peter Pichler在意(yì)大利北部多洛米蒂山林裏建造(zào)了多座樹屋,它們有著尖尖(jiān)的屋頂,覆蓋著黑色的木板。 由建築師Peter Pichler 和 Silvana Ordinas為主創的米蘭建(jiàn)築工作室為酒店設計了樹屋房間,為遊客提供與大自然接觸的機會。 工作室說道:“該項目被設想為一(yī)種放鬆的旅(lǚ)遊形式,在這裏,自然和建築的融合(hé)發揮重要的作用。” “我們相信旅遊業的未來方向將基於(yú)人與自然(rán)的(de)互動關係。那麽良好協調,可持續的建築便能強化這種關係(xì),不需要其他東西(xī)。” Sharply pointed roofs and blackened wood cladding characterise these treehouses that Peter Pichler Architecture has designed for a mountain forest in the Dolomites of northern Italy. The Milan-based studio, led by architects Peter Pichler and Silvana Ordinas, designed the Tree House structures to serve as hotel rooms, offering tourists the opportunity to connect with nature. "The project is conceived as a 'slow down' form of tourism, where nature and the integration of architecture within it plays the primary role," said the studio. "We believe that the future of tourism is based on the relationship of the human being with nature. Well integrated, sustainable architecture can amplify this relationship, nothing else is needed". 每座樹屋都有一個尖頂(dǐng)/Each treehouse will boast a steeply pointed roof 雖然樹屋麵積隻有35—45平方米,但每間樹屋有具有(yǒu)一樣特(tè)色的尖屋頂和(hé)地基,意在與(yǔ)周圍的冷(lěng)杉和落葉鬆相呼應。 樹屋的建築原料幾乎全部來源於當地的冷杉和落葉鬆,同時覆蓋的表皮將塗成與周圍環境協調的黑(hēi)色(sè)。 每座樹(shù)屋隻立於小小的混凝土基礎上,通過結構性玻璃牆提供其他的結構(gòu)支撐(chēng)。 The treehouses will range between 35 and 45 square metres in area, but each one will boast the same steeply pointed roof and base, intended to echo the forms of surrounding fir and larch trees. The structures will be built almost entirely from locally sourced larch and fir wood, while the cladding will be stained black to blend with the surroundings. Each one will rest on small concrete foundations, with additional structural support provided by the structural glass walls. 未處理的冷杉木材將建(jiàn)造(zào)房間室內環境/Untreated fir wood will create warm interiors Peter Pichler打算用未處理(lǐ)的冷杉木裝修每座樹屋的室內,以創造與立麵形成對比(bǐ)的暖色係內部空間(jiān)。 樹屋將包括兩層,其朝向通過落地窗可獲得(dé)最大限度的視野。 較(jiào)低的樓層將包含閱讀(dú)和休息區域,旁(páng)邊是一間浴室,以(yǐ)及通向樓上的開放式踏板樓(lóu)梯。 樓上是專門的睡覺區域,床鋪朝向可以鳥瞰山林美景。房間的後麵還有第二個小浴室。 Inside, Peter Pichler Architecture plans to line each treehouse with untreated fir wood to create a warm interior that contrasts with the facades. They will each comprise two levels that are orientated to maximise views out through the floor-to-ceiling windows. The lower level will contain a reading and lounge area, alongside a bathroom and an open-tread stair that leads to the upper level. Upstairs will be a dedicated sleeping area, with beds orientated to look out over the mountainscape. There will also be a second small bathroom tucked at the back of the structure. 設(shè)計的主要目的是(shì)為遊(yóu)客與大自然提供聯係/The aim is to offer tourists the opportunity to connect with nature 每座(zuò)樹屋將裝有用於收集和(hé)循環雨水(shuǐ)的水(shuǐ)箱,冬季會使用地熱泵進行供暖。 樹屋並不是Peter Pichler建築事(shì)務所在意大利多(duō)洛米蒂山林的第一個項目。 在奧地利西(xī)南部的蒂羅爾(ěr)州,工作室設計了一座鏡麵度假屋和一座供滑雪者使用的黑色木板(bǎn)表皮的餐廳,並成(chéng)功將一座酒店改造成為(wéi)具有混凝土外立麵(miàn)和極簡主義室內裝修的酒(jiǔ)店。 Each treehouse will be completed by a tank for collecting and reusing rainwater, while geothermal heat pumps will be used for heating in the winter months. Tree House is not the first project that Peter Pichler Architecture has designed for the Italian Dolomites. In South Tyrol, the studio has completed a pair of holiday homes with mirrored facades, a black timber restaurant for skiers and transformed a hotel with pared-back concrete facades and minimalist interiors. 項目信息: PPA負責(zé)人:Peter Pichler, Silvana Ordinas PPA設(shè)計團隊:Peter Pichler, Simona Alu', Giovanni Paterlini, Daniele Colombati, Cem Ozbasaran, Gianluigi D'Aloisio 和 Ugo Licciardi Project credits: PPA principals: Peter Pichler, Silvana Ordinas PPA design team: Peter Pichler, Simona Alu', Giovanni Paterlini, Daniele Colombati, Cem Ozbasaran, Gianluigi D'Aloisio and Ugo Licciardi |
建築, 酒店建築, 樹屋, 意大利, 多洛米蒂山, Peter Pichler Architecture, 混凝土, 玻璃, 木材
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